The Miracle-Driven Mindset Book by Kelle Eli Phillips

Coming Winter 2022/2023!

The Miracle-Driven Mindset is the result of the author’s 30 year odyssey to discover why humanity tolerates suffering, when we were promised we would work miracles?

Many erroneously assume working miracles requires great faith, or can only be done by a special type of person. But what if the Creator already put a system within each of us to work miracles - we just haven’t known how to awaken it yet? In this impelling book, Kelle Eli Phillips reveals the 4,000 year-old secrets behind the 4 Mindset Shifts required to activate your map of miracle consciousness. You’ll learn how to enter into a direct partnership with the Creator, how to truly embody your Higher Self - and most importantly - how to transform the way you interact with the world so that you, too, can be in the forever flow of miracles.

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